Jeremy made a one day trip to Minneapolis today, he left before 6 this morning and will get back just after midnight. Even with this one-day schedule, I’m missing him this evening. I’m much more sensitive to his travel these days. The last few years I have really been fine with his travel. It’s not that often or that long, but it probably had worked out to 1.5 weeks per quarter. Sometimes I even had reveled in it, I get the whole bed to myself and I get to run the house just the way I want to run it (which means that we have scrambled eggs for dinner) and I think Jeremy also enjoyed having a room of one’s own – even it it was in a different city. But since I started being in the hospital, I’m more anxious and tired and needy. I usually work at the hospital on Weds, but Edda was off of school today because of graduation – the high school seniors graduate, but all the teachers go to the ceremony downtown and they shut down the whole school and I had to be home with Edda. I had a patchwork of childcare during the day, I managed to get some non-hospital work done.

Vince was elected to be the senior patrol leader of his scout troop. He made a lovely speech (according to Jeremy since I wasn’t there). I think he’ll be a good leader. I’m impressed.