My father is home alone without my mother for about a month until she comes back from the West Coast. I let him borrow Maxi for a few days. I texted a little while ago to see how Max is doing and I got this text back. Apparently Max is eating steak and McDonald’s. She is never going to want to come back home.

It is spirit week in RM, homecoming is this weekend. Vince is performing at the pep rally in the all-male dance pom squad. That should be fun, they are practicing on the field today. Each day this week was a different theme. I found a white sheet for toga day.

There is a date for homecoming dance. Vince went out and bought an outfit (at Macy’s! on sale!) and had Jeremy tie the tie for him.

We are going to miss the whole ritual on Saturday night. We arranged for childcare for Edda months ago for this weekend to celebrate all the cancelled celebrations from last year (50th birthday for Jeremy, our 20th wedding anniversary, my birthday) and this year (where we spent both our birthdays at Costco) – way before Vince managed to find a lovely girl to agree to go with him to homecoming. Actually homecoming was never even on our radar as Vince had never expressed an interest in going. But then, something happened and he was interested. It crossed my mind to cancel the trip because this would be Vince’s first and only homecoming, but I had cancelled so many things last year when I was learning to be a nurse, I just couldn’t really cancel this trip.

We went out to support Julie P-C at our local micro-brewery last night.

Started figuring out college applications. I think we’ve opened like 7 new online accounts. And I had to go to youtube videos to figure out how to link the accounts to ask for transcripts. It’s like a 2nd (or 3rd) part time job. Jeremy texted this photo about the MIT Media Lab. hahahahaha. I’m getting emails from MIT every three days apologizing over and over again for taking that money. As if money only ever comes from goodness.