I just remembered Joe Biden is fine! Totally fine!
It is spirit week for inclusion at Edda’s school. For example, Monday was PJ day to put offensive language to sleep. Tuesday was Jersey day to team up for inclusion. Normally, I think this is a bunch of malarkey, but what the heck, I went the totally opposite direction. This might be the last bit of fun we have before we are all quarantined in the house eating our rice & beans. Edda wore her eggs and bacon PJs on Monday:
Megan Rapinoe for Jersey day on Tuesday. I got her an RBG shirt for super hero Thursday.
We went to Vince’s last scout meeting on Tuesday night. You age-out of scouts when you turn 18 and Vince’ll be 18 on Monday. So no more Tuesday scout meetings anymore for us. Vince’s cohort has been one-by-one aging out this year. He’s finishing out as senior patrol leader, meaning he’s the one standing who has been standing in front of the room leading the planning and the meetings since summer last year. He gave a very moving speech (which I did not record because I was almost crying) about how much scouting meant to him and he encouraged the other boys to continue on their scouting path though Vince did acknowledge privately to us that he did not know how much longer the scouting organization will continue on. And this we do not know either.
Vince did put in the work for his Eagle Scout and should get it at the meeting on March 20th. I got behind a little on the sewing and you can see that the last three merit badges on his sash are stapled on. But I eased the staples out and I’ve hand sewed them back on. Vince did the minimum number of merit badges necessary for Eagle. He was never into getting the merit badges – he loved the camping, the parking at the fair, etc. I was worried he wasn’t going to be able to pull it off, but I shouldn’t have worried.
College update: Last we left off, Vince was still excited about studying ChemE at Minnesota. He got into Toronto as a chemistry/physics student and he was kind of indifferent. He said he’d rather be an engineer. But then both sets of grandparents chimed in and said – Toronto’s a great school, he shouldn’t dismiss it out of hand. We mentioned this to Vince. He looked at us and said – you aren’t making me go to Toronto are you? Other kids’ parents are making them do Powerpoint presentations about how they want to go to a school that their parents don’t approve of, you aren’t going to make me do a presentation are you? We said – no we aren’t making you do anything, we are just encouraging you to visit Toronto. You might as well get a trip out of it. He said OK to the trip. We had already scheduled a trip to Minnesota (with Jeremy on a business trip) and we tacked on a flight from Minnesota to Toronto (by himself) for a few days. Then I got worried. I can’t send him across the border with the COVID virus going around. He’ll get stuck on the other side. But then on Tuesday night at the scout meeting, he found out Toronto gave him a generous scholarship, probably worth about a year’s tuition/fees etc, and then Vince’s interest in Toronto immediately skyrocketed. It was a very exciting night. So the visit to Toronto is immediately more compelling. I’m not sure if anyone is traveling anywhere two weeks from now. Jeremy is all confused – he’s like – I thought he wanted to be an engineer! What happened to that? Anyways, that’s the college update for now. He did also get into UCSC (Santa Cruz) which doesn’t have an engineering dept, he got in as a Biomolecular & Bioinformatics major or something like that. There is almost no chance he’s going there, but it did not stop him from asking to visit. I’m like – you aren’t going to go there and he said, it’s beautiful there, I want to visit.
Congrats to Vince on his Eagle Scouthood! and on Toronto! Also, I totally want those bacon-and-egg PJs…