Vickey and I have been making progress in Middlemarch. One painful chapter at a time. We text each other when we are done with each chapter with commentary like – that was the most boring one yet! or i’d like to stop now and forever! But I think we’ll get through it. I had to download a character map to keep everyone straight. Vickey likes to talk about narrators, third person omniscient or just regular third person non-omniscient. I don’t notice these things, I just like to plow through the words and keep up with Vickey and not get too far behind. She’s done with Cpt 23. I’m a full 10 cpts behind her.

I’m also strangely working on this felt votive candle pad with cartoon dogs. I showed this to Jeremy yesterday and was like – what’s this? I would have not guessed that you would work on something like this.