Edda stumbled through the day yesterday – refusing to eat at school and then eating a bunch of her lunch at aftercare. There was suppose to be the regular community outing, but they held her back at school for that. When we got her home, we took her temp (normal) and tested her for covid (negative) and set about trying to feed her. She was really worn out, tired. Again, dinner was a bit of a trial and then we decided to go dessert first again and that worked well. Cake and ice cream alternating with scoops of yogurt laced with Keppra and Trileptal. As I put her on the bus this morning, I felt like she was going to have another seizure today – it’s hard to explain, but I felt that one of her eyeballs was not behaving as it usually does. Fingers crossed she has a good day today.

It has been a terrifying few days in Davis for Vince. There have been two stabbing murders over the weekend (one victim was a senior at UC Davis majoring in compsci that Vince knew). I thought they had apprehended the assailant by Sunday night/Monday day, but then there was a third stabbing early Tuesday morning, sending the campus into a lockdown situation. I don’t think they’ve caught anyone yet. They did lift the shelter-in-place warning, but I’m not sure how many people are moving around campus.
Whoa! This is a lot of caca for all ya’ll to be dealing with right now. You have my number if there’s anything I can do to help please don’t hesitate to call.
Oh, that is a lot of worry on your plate. Thoughts to both Edda and Vince and fingers crossed everyone stays safe.