Eliana is a very entrepreneurial person (she’s Edda’s weekend caregiver) and always has lots of business ideas to try out. She’s trying to be a home organizer/declutterer person. I always try to be supportive to Edda’s caregivers so I hired her to help us organize some spaces in the house (and so she she can have some photos for marketing) with the understanding that we may not be able to maintain her level of Mari-Kondo. We are actually kind of messy, disorganized people and we are always trying to be better, but we fail all the time. (This is also why we can’t have nice things.)
So organizing the house is a tricky thing because I know Jeremy, even though he is a very sweet person, does not want anyone organizing his stuff. He has strong ideas about where things go which he painstakingly tries to explain to me so I can follow the rules (cheese in the bottom drawer, yogurt on the top shelf. Take eggs from the left carton and move to the right carton, etc.) – which I agree are reasonable but are not the way I would organize the space (I often mess up) – so his spaces like the garage, the kitchen/pantry and his side of the closet were off limits to Eliana. So I let her organize various bathroom spaces and my side of the closet.
This is under the sink on the first floor. (Jeremy didn’t even recognize it as part of our house, when shown the photos)
My closet before:
After Eliana organized my closet, I showed up to bed in my Peanuts branded pajamas which I haven’t worn since before the pandemic. Jeremy looked at me and said – oh! real pajamas. I said – I have no idea where my favorite pants are anymore now that Eliana refolded everything and I don’t want to mess up the neat piles. (My favorite pants are these cheap Champion sweatpants which I have mended the crotch at least 3 times that I wear every night to bed and every day until I work out at 3 pm through the whole entire pandemic and even through to today, I wear them like 18 hours everyday). Jeremy was like – thank God you can’t find your favorite pants anymore. They are not good pants.