Weekend continued.

Saturday night, we had Edda’s teacher, Mr. Pat and his wife, Teresa over for dinner and it was lovely and though he’s been Edda’s teacher for many years, we haven’t really had a chance to talk socially in a relaxed environment. He and his wife are so super cute together and she’s a special needs teacher too. It’s wonderful to have such dedicated and caring people in Edda’s life.

On Sunday night, we went to Eric’s for dinner and omg, it was the best Sunday night dinner food-wise in a long, long time. Eric made the most delicious shrimp paella and Claire Saffitz’s almond cake which Jeremy and I had watched earlier in the week and we were both like, OMG that looks delicious and when I went to Sunday night dinner and saw it, I was over the moon excited to try it. And it was amazing – so good, so almond-y.

At Sunday night dinner, we talked about the supreme court rulings, the gay website, affirmative action. I am interested in the affirmative action ruling. I have feelings about it, but they are complicated and nuanced as these things often can be.

And I bought a boat. I’m hoping to use it sometime. It pretty much negates all the stuff I’m decluttering out of the house.

2 thoughts on “Weekend continued.”

  1. You bought a boat!! That is so great. Especially since it is the kind where you are the motor! I’m decluttering too. BuyNothing group is a lifesaver! Plus, the people are really interesting/odd/nice.

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