Sunday was the main day of tropical storm Hilary. Our part of LA did not see widespread flooding, though the streets did have large puddles near the curbs (about 4-6 inches deep in places) and it was a heavy east coast-type rain. We spent the day inside – I repaired a toilet. We worked. Jeremy excitedly told me about a “lull” in the rain and I went for a run and the lull lasted for exactly half my run.

Monday, the rain stopped by morning and by noon, the sun was out drying everything and Jeremy went for a local bike ride in the early afternoon. Late afternoon, we went to see our friend Ruth and realized her part of LA had turned into Thai Town. So we went out to have…Thai food at 4:30 in the afternoon. I realized it was a little early to head back home, so I suggested that we go to Caltech (which is where Jeremy and Ruth met each other).

So a lot of LA (while insanely expensive) seems kind of dumpy and trashy and smells a lot like a urinal, once we got to Pasadena (also insanely expensive), it smelled the exact opposite of pee and was not dumpy at all. It smelled like the inside of a spa – eucalyptus. We went to the spot that we first kissed (which has not been torn down…yet) and kissed again, though this time with Ruth and Edda watching and so was a bit embarrassing, but also sentimental. Look at us goobers post kiss.

There is no other person I’d rather stumble through life with and though I did not enjoy grad school, it was 1000% worth it to have met Jeremy.

We were thinking that we’d be lock out of the lab, but as we were pulling on the door, someone saw us from the inside and let us into the building. We went to the 2nd floor (the professors’ floor) and even after all these years, I don’t want to go to the 2nd floor! It gives me the heebie jeebies. Blech. But it was 7 pm on Monday night in late August. Who could possibly be there?

Haha, there are too many Nobel Laureates on campus, so all you get is a small sticker.

We saw the (presumed) descendants of the turtles that kept us company many years ago. And then we walked to…ice cream. Of course. I’ve eaten ice cream almost everyday of this vacation. That’s how you can tell it’s a vacation.

And I finished a hat! Woo hoo. Tuesday we both worked! Meetings all day. Jeremy had a presentation and everything, so he booked a coworking space about a mile away.

Oh Doris this is so sweet. Happy anniversary to you two. I am so glad you met each other!