We had a lovely Thanksgiving hosted at our house. Jeremy made the turkey/gravy/stuffing/cranberry sauce and everyone brought everything else. My mom started off the meal with her famous egg rolls. We had 20 over, down from our usual 40, but we miscalculated the food and basically cooked twice as much as we needed to and have been having turkey leftover for days. Everything this year was delicious and perfect (except for my St. Louis gooey butter cake which did not do its proper rising) and I’ve been enjoying the leftovers very much.

We zoomed various family members all over the country (and the world).

We had two large tables with seating split between the two.

Jeremy and I did not go out to the movies, instead, we decided to take some time and go through our wire collection (I think this was Friday).

Pip enjoyed leftover turkey as well.

We went to Pike and Rose to go window shopping and shoe shopping for Bob and Katherine.

Now we are ready to go into the holiday season. Elka is a reluctant hat wear-er.

And the first lights to go up are Jeremy’s zoom office lights. LOL.

The festive sorting through of the wires! LOL.