Jeremy is in Minnesota this week fighting the good fight against climate change. You can read a little about it here. While he is in Minnesota, he’s also frantically putting stuff together for California as well. I like to say he’s saving the world, one agonizingly slow step at a time. Sometimes when people ask me what my husband does, I might quip that he’s an expert in cow poop and he kinda is. You can read about that here. He used the word poop in the first sentence. A true Martin man. He did kindly ask the web/blog/comms people to not put a cow as the leading photo in the article and they obliged.

Back at the mothership, I’m drastically outsourcing Jeremy’s hard work. All school breakfasts and lunches which Jeremy lovingly provides are now school bought. I’m making quick breakfast-for-dinner dinners and throw in a frozen pizza here/there and Edda and I are happy.
Jeremy traveled on President’s day and that day I tried to make focaccia which Claire Saffitz says is so easy. And taunts me bubbly yeasty photos like:

And then I get this flatness and limpness.

But, omg, still delicious. Turns out any carbs, salt and bake/fry it in like a cup of olive oil is amazing fresh out of the oven.

That bread = #Life Goals