Beautiful days – Elka wanted to spend the day sunbathing on the front lawn. It took a lot of persuasion for her to go back into house. Elka knows what’s good.
This year, I tied all our peonies with string so they don’t droop down at the first rain. These are Alice’s peonies – and they are gorgeous.
I’m also entertaining myself with indoor plants that I’m propagating from plants that I find along my outings. This is a hoya plant that just put out a new leaf.
This is a “special plant” – a variegated Christmas Cactus that I got shipped to me and lost one of its leaf, so I’m hoping it will live.
This one needs a chopstick to hold it upright.
A string of pearls from Kristen’s string of pearls (I just facetimed her and her plant is suffering and half of it died!).
That Christmas cactus will bounce back – they are always hardier than I think they are!
Great -really interesting. Thks