Happy birthday America.

We had a lovely July 4th weekend which was mostly just the three of us (well four if you count Elka). All these years of having people care for Edda, you get really used to having people in the house, coming and going and I love them all and appreciate the help that they provide us, but it’s also so very nice to have long stretches where it’s just us. We are very used to each other and have a good time together and it’s very relaxing.

It was so very hot outside and very cool inside, so there was a lot of being inside. I caught up with a lot of paperwork (Edda’s annual fiduciary report was due to the court as part of our roles as her guardian) and called/texted a number of friends which always, while it seems like, oh I should talk to so and so, one needs to block off and hour or so to do that properly and texting also takes time. I’ve also spent a lot of time this weekend working on a trip with my parent on a fall trip to Hawaii – just me and my parents and focusing on my mother’s love of plants – I’ve been heavily using Reddit as an information source – which is, one of the last places on the internet that is good. I actually volunteer my time there as a moderator for a top 1% subreddit (over 3/4 of a million subscribers) which has been fun and weird as well.

We did see people – did have a lovely low-key dinner with friends on the 4th. Elka did get dressed up for a microsecond, but she was not invited. Poor thing.

Elka absolutely refuses to walk in the heat and just lies down in the grass in the hot sun leaving the walker person in sweating full sun trying to drag sixty pounds of dog towards the house and therefore she walks at 6 am and then again at like 4 or 5 pm where she makes multiple enormous poops. Girl! Because of the humidity, it doesn’t cool down at night, hence, even at 8 pm, the temperatures registers in the mid-90s.

Jeremy is finally well and has been spending the weekend working on bike projects. Here is what is essentially a glorified crock-pot so he can wax his bike chain. I was like….so…..how much was that crock-pot? And then, he’s like – I don’t want to tell you. Hahaha, it’s not like it’s a secret or anything. All our finances are spilled together and I pay all the bills so I should know. But we like pretending in this way.

2 thoughts on “Happy birthday America.”

    1. Waxing a chain is supposed to make your bike a tiny bit faster and make the chain and other components last longer. But the biggest benefit to me is that a waxed chain is much cleaner and does not make you skin and clothes dirty the way a greasy bike chain does. Plus it is something to play around with.

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