It’s that time of year where I want to take a shower every 4 hours. I take a shower to go to bed and then I wake up and I want to take another shower. I have been not sleeping well for weeks now – usually waking up at 3:30 am and then not being able to fall asleep for an hour or so, but always sleepy for an afternoon nap. Anyways, I’ve been off my usual daily running routine for a few weeks now, and I’m just getting back into my rhythm and I’m happy to report that I’m sleeping better now, so I hope that continues.
I’m determined to learn to pay for things with my watch now. Nothing makes me feel older than using my credit card and the chip reader. I instinctively do that as a reflex, and I’ve been trying to change to the tap reader (which I forget to do 75% of the time) and then the other day I saw a stylish young woman pay with her watch and thought I need to learn to do that too. So hopefully I can get that set up and never need to bring my wallet with me ever again. Lol.
Elka de-squeaked her stuffy. And then she starts crying and whining and carrying the squeaker around like she just accidentally disemboweled her best friend. Poor thing. I picked up the squeaker and it said in raised plastic letters – game over! your dog wins!

Ha ha ha. Poor Elka, but you got love a manufacturer with a sense of humor.
You would laugh so hard in TAOS or West Texas.. Half the time the Internet is down in the small rural towns and so the credit card machine will be down. The other half of the time businesses do not want to pay the 3.99% to credit card companies so they just don’t take credit cards. I actually have to write checks which I barely know how to do anymore! I’m just glad I still had a booker checks recently to pay window covering company. It can be a little bit like green acres, sometimes in the world.