Slow recovery.

OMG, I’m slowly recovering from the secondary rash from my second bout of poison ivy this summer. I’m not completely itch-free, but I’m like firmly on the less itchy side of recovery. When you are in the middle of being sick or unwell, you kind of forget how good you feel when you are well. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, the grass needs trimming and I’m afraid of the outdoors. lol. It will have to happen.

2 thoughts on “Slow recovery.”

  1. DON’T DO IT!! It’s time to hire someone/company to do it for you regularly. You gotta figure out where you got it from too. Was it in your yard? I’m one of your hikes? Off of Elka? It’s time to “pay the two dollars Roger”. I am glad you’re feeling a little bit better.

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