Let’s see, I’m sorry I’ve been quiet. Just a long time to get back into a routine. I can’t remember which day we did what, so it’s just going to be what the pictures lead me to be. We went to another archive – The Historical Society of Cheshire County. Again, very interesting and Katherine left a copy of her book about her family with them.

Such nice staff again! A pleasure to meet people who are really into history and their little town.

I did get to paddleboard – Katherine wanted to find a lake that both paddle boarding and doggie rambling could happen, but we could only find lakes which were one or the other. Anyways, we found the paddleboarding lake (no dogs allowed!) and I was the only one to partake of the activity. But it was a lot of fun and I didn’t drag the paddleboard up the eastern seaboard for no reason. PFD (personal floatation device) on!

Edda enjoyed walking around the sand.

And we all enjoyed one of my favorite lunches ever – I do like picnic lunches at a park on a beautiful day after some physical exertion. Notice I’m wearing a Keene State College shirt, I’m repping the local college. Why you may ask? Because I forgot to pack T-shirts and had to go to a thrift store to purchase some. It is not a vacation until Doris forgets to pack an entire category of clothing. Yes, I probably should have a packing list, but I like to live on the edge.

That evening we went to G. Foote’s house – a relative of Katherine’s. He went to MIT and has done well for himself, so he has this enormous, gorgeous house on a hill with 90 acres. The dogs went wild running through the woods, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Elka more happy.

On Friday we drove home. When we began, the AC would not turn on, and we were sweaty and/or grouchy. I’m usually very good at finding a restaurant along our route, but because of traffic, google was rerouting use more than usual and I’d find a place and then it turned out we weren’t driving through that town. And there were a lot of constraints: fast, not a chain, outdoors seating for the dogs and able to see and be near the car to prevent bike theft. But I did triumph and find a place to eat (not this photo, this was at a gas station).

We stayed with Bob and Katherine one night. The dogs did so well on this trip, I was very impressed and they got along swimmingly.

The next day, Jeremy dropped me off at the Philly airport where I flew to Traverse City, MI to hang out with a friend of mine and her husband and child. Jeremy continued on back home to Maryland with Edda and Elka.

Lael who usually lives in Brooklyn has a lovely lakeside home in Traverse City and invited me to spend the weekend up there. I got to know her daughter.

There was also her husband’s sister and boyfriend staying at the house and we had a very nice time at lakes/beaches/in little towns/eating ice cream and taking naps.

I didn’t get home until late on Monday night, and Monday just happened to be the first day of school for Edda. Thank you Jeremy for holding down the fort! It’s taken me a while to get back to my routine, but I’m trying!