I have too many hobbies. I joined the choir at the Unitarian church down the street at the beginning of Sept. I joined because it is my dream to play 4 chords on the guitar and sing at the same time – like a nice campfire song, that’s all I want. I’m working on the guitar, but I needed help with the singing, so I thought, hey – I’ll join the choir. I thought maybe I could tuck in unnoticed into rehearsal and that the performances were only one Sunday a month, but….turns out they are a little undersubscribed on membership and for sure, they would notice if I was gone and the performances are twice a month. And even though I haven’t been to services regularly in a decade, people kind of know me and I was welcomed back enthusiastically and emotionally. I had a meeting with the choir director, who I really like and already told him I couldn’t make the Christmas Eve service and he kind of looked…very disappointed.
Jeremy was not yet home, Ginny stayed late at the house to mind Edda. Ginny actually goes to church with a Capital C, so she might have said something like – of course I’ll watch Edda so you can sing in the house of the Lord. And I said, I’m not sure God is at this church, I think the UUs purposely avoid mentioning Him. and she said – Nonsense, God is everywhere!

By Friday, Jeremy was home and Edda had a quiet day, hanging out at home, taking meds, water and Ensure through her little tube. No seizures, also she did not want to eat by mouth. But there was a little smile here and there.

Saturday was my birthday! Eliana came to mind Edda from 8-3pm, I trained her with the tube and Jeremy and I headed out for my birthday lunch. I had long noodles for long life per the Asian custom. Then we went out to buy non-IKEA furniture which is what I asked for for my birthday. We bought a couch and a recliner to replace the IKEA couch and chairs we’ve had for at least a decade and are all falling apart. We literally bought the same couches in the same color. It would not be unlikely that when we take delivery of the in a few months, absolutely no one will notice the difference. Why replace them then? I have no idea, it’s just what I wanted.

Edda gave me the best birthday gift ever, a no seizure day and she started to eat by mouth. Sure only ice cream and birthday cake, but I’ll take it. Megan came over to celebrate in our low-key way. Jeremy made a delicious steak dinner – beef is so unusual in the house, we try to not eat it regularly because of the climate implications (remember, Jeremy is an expert in cow poop), but for special occasions, Jeremy’ll make it for me.

My favorite cake, berry chantilly (also Edda’s favorite) with my ridiculous hat. And a fond reminiscence to Maxi, our previous dog, who would always sing with us while we sang Happy Birthday – you were missed sweetie. Happy birthday to me! With love to you all.

Happy happy birthday, beautiful woman!💋💋💋