My guitar teacher moved to the studio to new space near the Home Depot and my friend Howard and I had fun trying out the new electric guitar set up. In this new location, he’s next to a quilting store and a bridal store, so in the band room, he’s putting everything through headphones which is so cool. Everyone will have headphones and you can decide to hear more of the singer, or only the bass or just yourself, I guess. So much fun. I’m not in a band yet, I’m patiently waiting for the day when Billy tells me I’m ready. Which may be never.

During lesson time, programs after school were cancelled, and then after care for Edda was cancelled, but not right away – so this involved a lot of texting during class – back and forth with 1. school, 2. after care, 3. ginny – first with confirming that aftercare was open and then…whoops, no, it’s closing! I told Ginny not to come because of the snow and I feel bad because I’m basically cutting her hours, but then it snowed a bunch and then I felt righteous not endangering her life. Elka both likes the snow, and hates the salt. It hurts her paws.

My hand-me-down orchid is blooming! I guess it thinks it’s Hawaii enough in the house because it’s certainly not Hawaii-like outside the house.

Megan is putting on a series of art classes at Main Street, so I volunteered to help her out.

Fun! Notice I have a permanent name tag that I wear a lot. I wear it whenever I’m in a group of people in which I don’t know everyone’s name – which is a lot of times.

That guitar thing is super bad ass!! I’ve really let mine fall by the wayside. But I have stuck with my singing lessons these years. So thats something,right…
Congrats on the orchid.
The snow hurts my paws too🙀