Jeremy managed to go on a bike ride this weekend. It was a nice, social weekend. Meghan (a colleague of Jeremy’s, not Edda’s teacher) came over on Saturday night. It was a really nice time – Jeremy made a delicious chicken meal from a childhood cookbook which had notations from his mother indicating that this particular recipe was delicious (and it was!). We discussed various political things (which did not send Jeremy in to a funk…I think it depends on the person he’s talking to) and also about home renovations and pets. I really love Mehgan’s energy, I’m always looking for good energy.
I had a really wonderful time singing this weekend at church and now I think, I’m pretty set as part of the financial committee, so I’m excited about it. I got to handle money that isn’t mine on Sunday, trying to learn the ins/out about a budget that is about 10x bigger than my own household budget. As far as I can tell, the books are great, the accounting is clean, lots of people are looking at it and it’s fun. And then you get to decide together how to spend the $. Also fun.