So, I misjudge a lip on a driveway while I was e-biking to guitar lesson (with the guitar on my back) and I fell off my bike – basically on my maiden e-bike voyage. OF COURSE. It happened at very low speed and it was one of those falls that happened in very slow motion so I could think to myself as I was falling, god I’m so stupid and ridiculous, I hope I haven’t really hurt myself. Mainly only my ego was bruised and my knee skinned. Aa kind runner who I had just passed, helped me off the ground and onto a park bench and was so concerned and didn’t want to leave me. We were about 50 feet from a busy-ish intersection, but on the quieter cross street, and my favorite interaction with this kind runner was – I said: I’m on the phone with my husband and he’s coming, and there are so many people around, it’ll be fine. And he said, looking around – what are you talking about there is absolutely no one around, I can’t leave. How many fingers am I holding up? I mean, it was kind of true, there was no one walking/biking around and everyone was in their cars whizzing by, but by this time, I had called Jeremy to ask him to pick me up with the bike – he was already at Costco getting ready to do all the grocery shopping for Edda’s birthday party. But he put all his stuff back on the shelves and came to get me.
Then, to make sure I was totally OK, I went back to Costco to go grocery shopping with him. Costco, though beloved, is not my favorite shopping experience. The parking is terrible and the fact that you can only by like 18 pounds of bacon at a time, which is what we did, we bought 40 pounds of bacon.

I spent the rest of Saturday just milling around the house, doing nothing.
Sunday, I ventured up to Fredrick where I worked on my snatch. I’ve been practicing at home, but I still don’t have the movement down right, especially the end of the lift. Jeremy has decided he’d rather bike on Sundays, so I’m going weirdly by myself, even though I consider it Jeremy’s sport that I was tagging along with. This was the first time I went by myself and I worked improving my snatch with like – 15 kilos which is like so little weight. That is not even up to a regular olympic bar weight with no weights on it. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing there, except that they are so nice and want me to keep coming back. There are like…serious competitors at this gym. A master’s national champion, a person who clean and jerked 145 kilos – OMG. I’m like…so not strong.
Sunday afternoon, I went to see the Washington Master Chorale with a new-ish friend Lexy. I would have never gone without her invitation, and it was amazing. They were performing Rachmaninoff’s “All Night Vigil” choral piece which was one of his favorite pieces apparently. I had no idea. Initially when Lexi invited me, I thought she was inviting me to an actual all-night vigil/protest which I was like…um I don’t like staying up past 9:30pm. But this was a 65 minute piece starting at 5 pm. So grateful I got a chance to hear this performance. I got my exercise by walking back and forth from the metro.