Words only.

I’m not really good at taking photos these days, so words will have to do.

We finally got our heat pump dryer delivered after about a month of waiting and during the entire month, I’ve patiently been hanging laundry to air dry. We were using very crunchy and stiff bath and hand towels because that is what happens to them when you don’t tumble dry. Because of missing the dryer, I did get into the habit of doing laundry everyday (which I don’t really enjoy), but it means that I don’t have a huge pile of laundry to fold in my office which often led to unfolded laundry that littered my office well into the work week (which I also don’t enjoy). I was prepared to not like the new heat pump dryer, because I thought it would underperform the former, regular electric dryer, but it has gently surprised me. It works well, is quieter, dries within the time range I’d like it to, so I could do like 5-7 loads in one day if I wanted it to. I love that it doesn’t vent to the outdoors and that we can finally switch the positions of the washer/dryer set so that I can stand in the middle of the open doors that will fold out like wings rather that fold together like a book blocking me from either open orifice.

The appliance delivery happened on Saturday – the same day we drove downtown to buy a new ebike. We’ve been talking about this for a long time and we need an extra mode of transport between the three of us. We drove downtown so I could try this particular bike out which advertised, as it’s lowest setting, a person with a height of 5’2″ which I am – though on a good day, I’m 5’3″. Really, we needed a way for Felix to get to work (about 5 miles) without exhausting himself and/or asking us for rides.

Saturday evening – Jeremy mentioned that the dishwasher was only capable of running the regular cycle and would’t go into the express cycle and I asked him if, maybe, we not buy a dishwasher that day, because Saturday was shaping up to be a rather expensive day already, and I didn’t want to fold in another dishwasher as well.

I baked pistachio lemon bars on Saturday morning which I sampled myself (and the family too) and then brought the rest for coffee hour after the church service. They were, I thought, OK, but apparently the NYTimes had featured that recipe that week in the general cooking section, so lots of people had read about it and thought about it and were dreaming of those lemon bars.

I’m having a lot of fun at the UU church these days, I miss so terribly a place where I go and there are lots of people just there. I don’t have in person work (for which I am grateful I still get to stay at home), I’ve become used to being alone. And though it feels hard to leave the house sometimes, when you do, interesting things happen. I love that music is part of my life, like all the time. I’m grateful for the piano lessons as kid, so I understand at least some music theory and how to read music.

Sunday night, we went to Sunday night dinner. Francie is having a big surgery in a week or so… Colleen had asked if Francie could stay with us while they are traveling to France to visit Sarah, I had initially hesitated only because we are kind of full up with Felix and Ginny is on maternity leave and so I’m doing lots of Edda care myself (I recently asked Eliana to come both days on the weekend, because we’ve lost a bunch of care for Edda) and I thought it was a kind of minor surgery, but the surgery is bigger than I thought it would be, so I have a feeling Francie is going to be here for 10 days in April.

The daffodils are coming up and delighting me.

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