Our water main was leaking a little while ago (holy crap was my feeling when I saw it), so when we got it replaced, we added this “smart” water shut off in-line. I know, I know, AI is going to take over the world in a few years, but man, it sometimes shuts off for no reason that we can tell. Which I guess is better than being not shut off while your house is flooding. When it shut off mid-day this week, I realized that I don’t have the app for it on my phone, only Jeremy has the app for it and he was downtown for the day. So I was texting him, trying to get him to figure out the error code and turn it back on via the app while I was trying to decipher what the little hand drawings were on the green dial. I eventually figured it out and turned the water back on with my hands and not an app. But on the same day, I also coincidentally realized (because I was doing insurance crap (which is one of my least favorite things to do right next to estate planning crap) that involved adding Felix as a learner to our car insurance) that we could save $82 a year on our homeowners insurance so that was that. Our smart water thing also is telling me that we have a very small leak in the house somewhere. Like teeny-tiny. Somewhere mysterious and unknown to me because I fixed (two Amazon orders and one return and one trip to the Home Depot – total cost about $30 plus about 90 minutes of my time spread over about 4 days) the most obvious small leak (Jeremy’s sink in the primary room’s bathroom) that I could see a few weeks ago and still, we don’t pass this smart water thing’s micro pressure test is does every morning at 2 am.

Thursday night, we celebrated pi day at choir with….pie. Of course.

Friday we went to Vibes – Jeremy and Edda are very good at friendship bingo – you walk around and try to fill out squares with names of people that “have visited another country” or “likes spicy food” or something or other.

Megan came and hung out with us, she borrowed my nursing fleece and inadvertently had two names for the evening.

Look, I loved my yellow outfit so much on Wed, that I wore it again for an entire new set of people. Lol.