Funny Excerpt.

Laff. Okay, so I went to a friend’s wedding over July 4th weekend, and I ran into Mom and Dad’s family friends, Ching-Mao and Li-Pei Zin at the wedding. Apparently they knew the parents of the bride, with whom I am friends with. Here’s a funny post from Yi-Ling’s blog:

My mom kept wanting me to setup my cousin with Don – and I told her in response that I thought I may be just a tad busy on my wedding day. She continued on this train of thought the day after the wedding tho after she found out that D’s parents are friends with our family friends as well. So now he is a properly approved taiwanese boy. Don’t worry D, I keep telling her that I don’t think you guys are a match but maybe she’ll find some other girls to throw at you.


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