I did a thing for the first time today – I left Edda in the care of Vince for about 90 minutes. I wanted to fit a run in today, so I negotiated a time with Vince – I like running right at or before 6am in the summer, but that doesn’t work out too well with the teenage schedule that Vince likes to keep. So I asked for 9am and he said ok and was happy to keep an eye on Edda (I actually left her on the potty, strapped in – she’s quite comfy there (who among us hasn’t spent 30 minutes reading an interesting book/article on the potty?), watching TV with Vince in the living room). Vince, I know, is a responsible and kind kid. He’s now bigger and stronger than me, so I know he can lift Edda in and out of chairs and I know he knows how to feed her and he is very solicitous of Edda. But he’s also her older brother, so sometimes there is a lapse of attention or moments of distraction. But I came back and everyone was A-OK.
Then Vince stayed home, Edda and I went shopping at Montgomery Mall and ate in the food court.
Then we went to a birthday party for a small child (Rory! 4!) and had a great time. I kept waiting for it to rain, it was suppose to pour today, but it didn’t really.
Meanwhile on the left coast, Jeremy saw Keyla and dropped off extra stuff that she left at the house, including a pair of grey 4-inch stilettos (which I was amused that Jeremy had to pack into his boring black business luggage).
He saw Ben and Mary-Ann (who is doing great).
And what is California if not for the most beautiful fruit?