Quiet day today (for me and Edda). Much more interesting for Jeremy who bought a new bike today and he went all around Montgomery County on Ride-On busses. From Rockville, to Silver Spring, to Montgomery Mall, then to Congressional Mall and then back home. He is a public transit expert.
After he got home, we went to Rockville’s Hometown Holidays. Vince had already abandoned us all day – give him a twenty and he’s off with friends watching movies and eating hamburgers.
Jeremy got us all tickets (because of his service to the city) to the VIP tent which had this amazing potato salad and BBQ sandwiches.
Edda shows off her eating while sleeping talent.
As part of the VIP package, we got some tickets to spend at the food concessions. We got into the ice cream line.
Then we went into a new pub that opened downtown to have some drinks before we walked back home.