Yesterday we went to the new mall in town, Warner Village. It was pretty snazzy. I thought we’d be there early to get a parking space, but it turned out we had to climb to the top of an 8-story garage before we found space. We melted a pipe in our apartment because I had the water temperature turned up too high. They are going to fix it tomorrow.

Today Jeremy came home from work a bit early and we had a fun night out on the town with our friends. We all went to a Japanese Seafood restaurant in Nan Liao. It is bery close to the harbor, where the fishing boats land, and facing he street are big tanks and trays of ice, from which you pick your dinner. The party included Liu Shao Jie, her husband Lin Shen Sen, their daughter Leah, their business partner Ju Shen Sen, Our mutual friend Helen, Jeremy’s colleague Man Fai, and the three of us. We had deep fried squid and deep fried oysters, stir fried clams, a big fish that was made into sashimi and soup (one half each), shrimp, shark skin, asparagus, and noodles. All of the food was really delicious, and the company was a lot of fun. It was a taxing week, and it was really wonderful to unwind with our friends, and to not think about events at the office at all. One major source of entertainment was Vince’s eating. He ate a huge quantity of fried noodles. He has figured out how to suck them up, so we can just grab a few noodles with the chop sticks, put one end in his mouth, and he just sucks them right up. He must have had three small bowls full.

So I’m starting to get back to my routine. Went to Chinese class today with Mr. Hong and then went to yoga with my Japanese friends. I really didn’t want to go since Vince is still not over his jet lag and we got up at 3 am. I was really anxious about today’s announcement at AMD, so part of my routine was to distract me from waiting. At yoga, a student I never saw before came in all disheveled and distracted. I didn’t think anything of it, but in the middle of class, she broke down in tears and pretty soon, the whole class was listening to her tale of sorrow. The teacher explained that she was suffering from depression for many, many years and that each day was filled with tears and anguish. Vince and I spent the rest of the day trying not to sleep to nip the last of the let lag.

Still jet lagged. Bleh. Did nothing today except mail a bunch of thank-you cards to the US. Vince had a tough time going down for a nap today. So many things are happening now, tomorrow is the *big* meeting with the AMD high ups, presumably by this time tomorrow, we’ll know where we’ll be going soon.