We left Austin on Monday morning, Vince cried on the way to the airport because he just didn’t want to leave. He had such a great time, it was really hard to go back to NY. On the plane back from Austin, poor Vince got airsick. Orange puke was all over the seat and the foot area. I apologized to the stewards, I cleaned up most of the vomit, but there was still stuff left on the floor. Of course, right after Vince puked, he felt much, much better. We limped home – it was a full day of travel – we got home about 9 pm.
Jeremy and I do travel quite a bit. This year, with Edda’s diagnosis, I felt like we cut back on a lot of travel, but Jeremy reminded me that we still had 2 trips from Singapore to the US. While in the US, we traveled between upstate NY and Washington DC by car both times. In the spring trip, we went to Puerto Rico and this trip we went to Austin, TX. I guess we have traveled less while living in Singapore – we’ve only wandered off the island once – to Indonesia. Edda really has been loving this trip – sometimes I take her to new places in Singapore, she freaks out and needs a lot of reassurance from us to make her calm again, but this trip, she has been all smiles and contentment. Vince has been a little more unsettled, more concerned about where we are going and when we are going home. He loves being with family, but this whole moving around is getting to him.