Thursday, January 2, 2003 On Tuesday, we drove to Taipei with the cello and Ben, Katherine and Bob took the train in and saw the sights. We walked around with Vincie and had a dinner of noodles in a buffet place and had ice cream at Bob-a-loo’s. I went to bed early. Ben partied with a New Zealand ex-pat lady. The next day, New Year’s Day, we went to see the furniture place and bought two stools, Jeremy’s parents bought a dining room table, then we had a delicious seafood lunch. Then we went to see and old-style mansion that they had moved from the middle of Taipei. It was really quite beautiful, large with lots of courtyards. Then we went to have Yunan food with Charlotte’s friend Angela. Today we dropped Katherine off at the airport so she’s on her way to Ghana and then drove back to Hsinchu.

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