We had a birthday party for Judy last night in East Bay. It was pretty fun. We were over at the neighbor’s place and they had a whole karaoke setup there so everyone was singing. At the end of each song too, the machine rates you on a scale of 1-100 about how good your performance was. Some other dude and I jumped in there and our first song came out to be a 4! And everyone else is getting 90, 86, and 74. We totally were pissed and we decided that we’d get 90 by the end of the night. So we tried and tried and tried again. About 10 songs later we were stymied at 61 and losing hope that we’d every break 65. But then, on the very last song of the night – “I Just Called to Say I Love You” – we got 95! woo hoo! Everyone was excited for us. 🙂