So my prediction was off. No steamboat. Just a ton of food. I swear we had maybe 10 dishes worth of food and we maybe ate about 1/4 off each plate. Li Pei Zin sent everyone home with 2 plates of food a piece. Ching Mao also told a story of how Dad scared everyone away from Mom by asking everyone who was brave enough to date the only woman in the Mech E dept. In the meantime tho, Dad was secretly dating Mom already. Mom also called in the middle of dinner. Li Pei Zin mentioned that Mom sounded shocked that I was over for dinner. 🙂
I’m also becoming the Hung Family bike mechanic. It’s sorta funny. Emilie’s shifter broke and her bf, Ben, tried to take it apart to fix it. Too bad they are not designed to be taken apart. All these super tiny springs just explode out of it when you disassemble the shifter. Anyways, I’ll try to get one from the shop to see what can be done.
Oh I also mentioned to everyone about our family blog. Everyone was super impressed that both Mom and Dad were posting. laff. It’s a shame that I didn’t bring my camera. I would have posted a pic or 2 from the dinner. Maybe one of Jeffery’s kids.
Mom is a wonderful lady.
But, the truth is that Mom and Dad started just knowing each other after my graduation, returning from military services in 1966. When I was in college with Hung, probably Mom knew him plus some “good students” more than knowing me. Your Dad was a so-so student that did not belong to “good students” crowd in which Hung & Mom were among them. 🙂
What’s with the steamboat thing? I don’t get it…
It’s just cook your own pot. Sorry. Steamboat is what all my friends call it over here.