Joined the Fitness Club

Folks, I joined the fitness club downstairs. I have a locker, shower places and a lot of exercise machines. First two months are free. After that, everymonth is $40.00. I think I need to exercise more to control my blood pressure. The best part is they open at 5:30 AM during weekdays. The worst is they don’t open during the weekends. They said that will change in April.

2 thoughts on “Joined the Fitness Club”

  1. Great! If they have a rowing machine, you can check out my online rowing club at I row a little bit every day and I record the number of meters I row online and you can come join the MIT team and help us kick butt. We are ranked 6th out of over 1000 teams. Jeremy bought a rower years and years ago and I never rowed, but I enjoy it now because there is no impact on my joints and also I like keeping track of it online.

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