
Hrm. I definitely think I am in the best shape of my life.

I set a new PR up King’s Mountain this morning. Usually I do it in about 31, so it’s a big chunk of time chopped off.

I did Mike’s usual Tuesday/Thursday ride – Mike is the owner of Chain Reaction. Usually I’m the slowest guy there and am far far behind them. Most people are racers or ex-racers and are generally considered to be pretty damn fast. in the range or 23-27 minutes on Kings. A pro that works in our shop does it in 20-21 minutes. But today I actually felt like I could keep up with Mike’s group. Sure I still got burned up the hill, but just not burned as badly.

One thing I’m really proud of, is that I took the sprint today. I pretty much knew I could do it. But then again, I was the youngest one there by probably 15 years, so maybe it’s not that big of an accomplishment.

I’ve got some pictures to post later. Incidentally, Doris, I am a follower and have purchase your exact camera from B&H. It’s pretty cool. I’m trying to be like you and carry it around everywhere.

2 thoughts on “28:45”

  1. Cool about being in good shape! I wish I was. I think I was in the best shape of my life in 1999 when I ran 3 miles about 4 times a week. And yah for the camera, I love it! I don’t take very many pictures, but I try to take at least 5 every day. They aren’t great, but they remind myself of what I was doing.

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