So I went to Edda’s physical therapy appointment yesterday and I mentioned to Diane that the NYC radiologist basically didn’t agree with Dr. Ackman and concurred with the SGP doctors, that the radiologist thought that the brain damage that Dr. Ackman saw was an artifact of the MRI. Diane (who has read the reports from all the doctors) said that it wasn’t surprising because if it was truly what Dr. Ackman said it was, Edda would have different symptoms – mainly instead of having weak muscle tone, Edda would be “spastic” – meaning having high muscle tone, very stiff muscles. Diane has a ton of experience with kids on a weekly basis and their diagnosis. I don’t know who to believe anymore. Anyways, there are still more test results that we are waiting for from NY.
Jeremy’s approach on this is right. That is, before it is really being figured out, keep therapy going. And rule out all possibilities gradually.
Also, let Doctors talking to each other as much as possible.
Keeping interact with Edda. let her use her muscle as much as possible. In the meantime, get all the test results, let Drs. to figure it out.