Katherine made it to our apartment at 2 am last night. Ruby was so excited to see her that she jumped and jumped and one of her claws caught her skin and tore a little bloody hole. Ruby… bad girl.
The kids were really excited to see Katherine in the morning. Vince more obviously than Edda, but Edda did seem quite content to have Katherine feed her breakfast.
We dropped Edda off at school where Katherine got to sit in on her class for a little bit and then – guess where we went! TO THE SCIENCE MUSEUM! AGAIN! This time Vince had to introduce the whole thing to Katherine. It was fun. Here’s us in the helicopter. I tried to get Vince, but I missed.
We did other stuff too, eat at the prata shop, go swimming, eat macaroni and cheese.
I used to not mind being at home by myself when Jeremy traveled, but now I’m a bit off my game, so I’m glad that Katherine is here to keep me company..