Started running again.

I’ve gained 5 pounds since I started taking antidepressants. I chalk it up to feeling better and then I eat more delicious food – so the weight gain is a good sign of my mental state, bad sign for the waistline. My pants are starting to feel a bit tight and even though I walk a lot, I don’t really bring my heartrate up very high to improve my aerobic ability, so I’ve changed my daily dog walk into my daily dog run. I hope this will enable my pants to fit again.

Ruby seems to enjoy picking up the pace a little as well. About halfway through our first run, she licked me on the knee as if to say, “Yah! We are running again – you go girl!”

2 thoughts on “Started running again.”

  1. Good for you. I hate to run but will walk from here to China. I’ve lost 11lbs and it sure is hard to do. It has taken me 9 weeks. Only 30 to go! I may give up on as I love to eat my cooking. BTW- You looked BEAUTIFUL in the Sari. We are enjoying the fall weather here while listening to the ……….Rolling Stones from our front porch. They are playing at Zilker Park. Can you believe that!

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