Bukit batok.

I woke up in a great mood. I had so much fun at the Thanksgiving party yesterday. Usually I am so awkward as a hostess – I never know what to say or when to offer food/drinks. But I did well! The 5 hours flew by. So many people coming and going, I hope they all had fun. I had so much nervous energy I didn’t really eat. Only after everyone left and the kids went to sleep did I eat 2 turkey sandwiches.

Today was a letdown/recovery day. We went walking a Bukit Batok Park to work off some of the turkey.




Common name: Yellow Saraca
Scientific name: Saraca thaipingensis

Location: Bukit Batok Nature Reserve

2 thoughts on “Bukit batok.”

  1. FORTY people?!?!?! Congrats- you deserve a nice day. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. The weather looks gorgeous there!

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