Ah … the Internet.

Tonight I hung out at my friend, Jaching’s place in Mountain View. I had done some tech support for her, and was going to do some more tonight, but she got her problem fixed yesterday. Anyways, I still went over to her place, where she fed me dinner, and for the second time, she made these amazing blueberry muffins. I met Jaching’s new roommate and later on, her old roommate and her boyfriend came and joined us. It was a fun night talking about dating, men, women, with a muffin in one hand and a wine glass in the other.

But there was a funny moment when we realized that all 5 of us had met each other over the internet. I met Jaching over Match, Jaching and her roommies found each other off of Craigslist. And her roommate’s boyfriend was off of Match too. There was a moment of like, “Oh wow. Damn.” … and then we were back to talking normally. Laff.

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