Practicing getting up at 5 am.

Did I mention that my commute is 90 minutes each way? I know it’s kind of crazy, but I’m assured that in 2 years, I should be able to work from home. That’s what I’m counting on as I have committed myself to getting up at 5 am for the next 2 years. So today, I practiced getting up at 5 am by volunteering to be a course marshal for the local half marathon.

This was my intersection, these are my cones, that’s my police dude. We blocked traffic at this intersection (mile 7.5) for about one hour and 15 minutes. I got to wear an orange vest and wave a red flag. Groovy. I’ve never volunteered for a race before, it’s really organized. I showed up at 6 am, got directions to my intersection and got a detailed sheet with cone placement diagrams and a timing schedule. We got the cones out 1 minute before the first runner and the cones were stowed right after the last runner and 30 seconds later a truck appeared to take the cones (and my orange vest) away.


Vince wailed again at having to go to Chinese school. We tried to bribe him with a trip to McDonalds and ice cream afterwards. Did not make it any less painful.


Edda had a great time at Sunday night dinner, I don’t know what was up, but she giggled all night up until 9pm when she finally fell asleep.


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