Bad haircut month.

I declare February bad haircut month. Some we paid good money for, others were cut by a parent who shall remain nameless.

Let’s start with me. It’s not too bad a little uneven at some points, I did have to fix it myself by cutting off half an inch in the front that somehow was missed. Also, I’m teetering on the subtle male/female line.


Jeremy’s main complaint is that his haircut is too short. You can call him Sarge and don’t get him mad, or else he will make you do pushups.


OK, OK, I cut Edda’s hair and you can’t tell too much from this photo how badly the haircut turned out, but I tried to give her a baby-doll hair cut. I did it while we were in the tub and she fell asleep on me and then I had to try and cut her hair while holding her head above water and then I just got frustrated and stopped. (I did fix it yesterday, it looks much better now.)


And the piece de resistance! Vince’s haircut. He refuses to let me touch his hair anymore because he says he loves it.


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