The perfect storm.

Things that are happening:

1. I am furiously trying to cram as much work as I can into these next few weeks. I’m skipping lunch, skipping the office chit chat, skipping unnecessary trips to the vending machine and the potty. My hours are defined by my child care so I can’t dally at the end of the day just to finish something up. The end of the quarter nears and I am up for a promotion, but I have to do well the next few weeks in order to qualify. The faster I’m promoted, the faster I get to work from home!

2. Jeremy is stressed out (in a good way). I hate that I can’t go into anymore detail, but he’s busy with important stuff this weekend and things will resolve themselves out in the next few months, but he’s a little antsy in the pants.

3. B., our sitter, has a pretty bad stomach bug. She did not sound good when I stepped into the house today.

4. Edda seems to have a hoarse throat.

5. Vince has the sniffles.

6. We have friends coming in from out-of-town this weekend, so we have a full weekend schedule planned.

7. My parents are coming into town again this weekend and they are hosting the DC Martins dinner at our house, so the house has to somehow miraculously clean itself.

We are in such deep doo-doo.

4 thoughts on “The perfect storm.”

  1. Of course, young people these days have a lot on their plates. So, not miraculously clean, just clean a little bit 🙂 Take care and look forward to seeing you folks on weekend.

  2. Take care and do not work too hard at office. Take some breaks. Drink lots of water and go to ladies room more often is good for health

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