Mayo beach.

We went to the annual Maryland gathering of Rett Syndrome families. This was our first time attending, last year, we had just moved and didn’t get in touch with the local families until too late.

Beautiful day to fly a kite.


Edda had a great time.


So did Vince.


Edda’s mutation, 806delG, is quite unusual. But we met another little girl who has the same mutation and we had a nice time chatting with her family.


Eleven families showed up, we all got together for a group photo.



3 thoughts on “Mayo beach.”

  1. It is very good to meet other families with Rett’s girls. All those girls are very cute. Hope research will find the way to help them.

  2. HOW FUN! We are planning on going to the Michigan picnic next weekend – we are on the indiana/ohio/michigan boarder so we join in whenever we can with wahtever state we can 🙂

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