Vincent’s big adventure.


Vince’s last day of camp was on Friday, we actually picked him up early to head up north to Jeremy’s parents’ house where he’s going to spend a week in “the country” with Kiki and Kappa. It isn’t really the country, as it’s still just 15 minutes from the Target, but there are farms and goats and chickens within a 5 mile radius of the house, all of which are illegal in any neighborhood at home with an attentive home owner’s association.

We all headed back down south of the Mason-Dixon line today after a too-short visit. Edda is now sick with the family bug – the last one in the long line… First, Vincent, then Jeremy and I, then Yvonne and now Edda.


4 thoughts on “Vincent’s big adventure.”

  1. Poor thing. Get well soon Vince. Do I recognie that shirt? Josh left for camp for two weeks today. Our house is sooooo quiet. Too quiet.

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