We have a McDonald’s and a Starbucks just around the corner and they are within walking distance. The other day, I was pretty excited to learn that stuffs in Starbucks are not even ranked as among top ten. Of course, McDonald’s coffee as expected is not ranked either.
But, at McDonald’s, senior coffee is 52 cents each which is very affordable these days or any other day. I did enjoy myself to have a cup of hot senior coffee at McDonald’s, sitting in a warmer place than those in our house and reading newspapers. No rush at all.
After all, Starbucks is not built or catered for me, not at this time, or any other time. Above all, McDonald’s coffee is good coffee. In addition, I will be able to slash their (McDonald’s) price of coffee even further, in half – ask for a refill before leaving 🙂
I and my friends all visitors from India also often go to nearby McDonald's to enjoy senior coffee which is very cheap and we can also gossip at the coffee table.The employees are also very cooperative and always cheerful.Thanks McDonald,s.