I love Guitar Hero.

The conference was fine, it’s nice to see the familiar folks I’ve gotten to know over the past 3 years since Edda’s diagnosis. I was really hoping this year to see a video of someone using an eye-gaze system successfully, most optimistically trying to spell out words or else stringing some words together, however, I was really disappointed that this was not the case. I don’t know if I want to go next year, I’ve seen a lot of the sessions and presenters already and I get so emotional and teary-eyed at any extended period of time where I have to focus on how much Edda has lost because of Rett Syndrome. It wears me out. I know, we try and have fun around here, but sometimes it just sucks. I feel so differently at the conferences each year, the first year was overwhelming, the 2nd year was exciting and inspiring and the this one was filled mainly a sense of grief and loss.


I left the conference early Saturday morning to meet with my friend Vickey, who lives in Leesburg and she introduced me to Guitar Hero which I have to say is the most amazing video game ever. I suck at video games, I have never had the urge to play any “action” video game, but I’m not too shabby at Guitar Hero. We had the whole band – including vocals. I could have played for hours.


For about 45 mintues this weekend, I was about to go out an buy a whole Wii system and the World Tour package just so I could keep playing it at home. I even justified it by saying to myself that maybe Edda’ll love it, it’ll be like therapy, but better!


8 thoughts on “I love Guitar Hero.”

  1. For about $100 you can buy a decent Yamaha guitar and play REAL guitar. Take Vince and Edda to “Night at the Museum”. very funny.

  2. With respect to Edda, all we can ask ourselves is that are we all doing the best we can. The answer, definitively, is “YES”.

    Look at the other side, Edda probably is kind of a lucky one with all the love coming from everyone around her.

  3. when i read your posts i don’t feel so alone. i don’t know any other rett moms and seeing you express everything i feel makes a big difference in my life. thank you doris.

  4. Tara! You don’t know any other Rett moms? We have to get a bunch of us together sometime and take you into the fold 🙂

  5. You will not be dissapointed with a wii purchace I promis 🙂 Brooklyn loves to race mario kart with her daddy and anyway your DESERVE a little Guitar Hero!! Wish I could have been at the conference!!

  6. Kelly – Ha! If we are going to get the Wii, it’s going to have to be for Xmas ‘cuz it’s just a little too extravagant to buy on a random Saturday and I have to get Jeremy to try it a little beforehand to see if he’s interested at all in it. Otherwise, it’ll just be me and Edda drumming away in the middle of the night 🙂

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