

We made it home last night – started the laundry and cleaned up a little. On our last day, we went to San Francisco and met up with Ben, Johanna, Felix and Ruben. I failed to get any photos, I’m sorry, it will have to wait for the next trip. Their new place is fabulously cute as are the kiddos (of course).

Back to the grind, we’ve got dental appointments, therapy, ESY, science camp all starting today. Edda is apparently all over jet lag. Vince is still sleeping on the couch, he needs to leave in 30 minutes. Ack.

4 thoughts on “Dulles.”

  1. welcome back! Ijust got back from
    Cleveland, looking at the old
    Halle Family mansions (Halle Berry's
    mother named her after that dept
    store, which my Great Uncles
    founded Long ago), visitng my
    friends from prep school days (HE
    courted her and supplied men from RPI where he was an undergrad-as Emma
    willard is also located in Troy
    and on a Sunday pm, having 'gentlemen
    callers' was great) adn then to Oberlin to see my nephew who is
    in the grad program for early
    education. I had 'trouble' with Oberlin, which seemed to be populated with all those 'green,
    liberal' types-and then the
    townies who are poor and not
    white or liberal and hang out
    in the center of the small
    college town, but no one
    mixes or speaks to the other!
    I found a grat hat, however,
    from Halle Bros at the one 'vintage
    store' and had the best granola-
    and oh yes, a fine visit and swim in the 'arboretum' with my
    nephew as lifeguard. AND some
    great live music.

    I miss having Vince et al here-
    tell him there are more 'webs'
    waiting for him to water away.

    And of course I am glued to the TV for all the Michael Jackson
    smut coverage and the memorial
    service tomorrow-better than OJ!

  2. SUPERSHUTTLE is impossible! BUT
    if you want to rent them as a
    limousine, of course then it
    is direct service. I"m sure
    Rena did not have that in mind.(Sorry I've spent enogh HOURS on SS
    to know. Even the bus in LA is cheaper and faster).

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