Kitchenaid and Julie & Julia


Our Kitchenaid broke about a week ago. The little lever that brings the mixing bowl up towards the beater stopped lifting the bowl. The Kitchenaid is very special to me, it was a wedding gift from my group of closest friends in college – they all pooled their money together and bought us this mixer. We’ve made a million cakes, mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving, and also grind our meat with it. And frankly, it’s suppose to last forever and 11 years is certainly not forever. I was determined to fix it, so I took it all apart..


and ordered a 9 dollar part on Ebay and then hopefully in a week, I’ll be able to put it back together again.

On a foodie note, since the kids are in school and Eliana is working way fewer hours during the day, we’ve been able to reinstate Tuesday date night which have been missing all summer. Jeremy and I went to see Julie & Julia which was so fun and perfect for us -> food and blogging both hobbies of ours. There is a scene where the husband and wife have a fight and then the husband says that no way can she blog about the fight. It doesn’t happen much, but certainly, there are moments that Jeremy looks at me while we are in the middle of some sort of complicated mess and says to me – this is totally staying out of the blog. Some things just have to remain unrecorded except in our own malleable memories.

3 thoughts on “Kitchenaid and Julie & Julia”

  1. Loved the movie. I don't have a kitchenaid. Just a wisk and a hand mixer. Have 1st 2 seasons of Julia's originaly show and 2 of her cookbooks. One, that goes with the shows. I got all the recipes if you ever need them. Here's a little tidbit about Julie Powell (she's from Austin and was a friend of Peter and Mo's daughter Lily). Her next book is about when she had an affair. That was never in the blog!!

  2. Really! She was pals with Lily, huh, the world is a small, small place. Yeah, I've been totally reading about how she had an affair. But I think she's back with her husband, no? God, if I was her husband, I'd be mortified that she was going to publish a book about her falling in love with someone else.

  3. I just reread my post. What a name dropper I am.

    I know I could never share anything so private and Scott would nOt like it AT ALL.

    Love the Vince leter. Josh is at the magnet public school this year and everything is so brainy and the talks are so "adult like" now it freaks me out. I miss the Vince days.

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