So I missed both of the kid’s Halloween parties at school and Jeremy managed to go to about 30 minutes of Vince’s, just enough to see the parade and not much else. Here they are in the morning. We tried to make their costumes with as much “regular” clothes as we could, I think we did pretty well.
The orange crocs were not part of the costume, but I think they make the costume.
Vince complained bitterly at dinner last night that the room parents had the audacity to hand out GRAPES for Halloween! (Gasp, how awful). Then I unpacked Edda’s backpack this morning and told Vince that he wasn’t the only one who didn’t get candy, Edda got a surgical glove full of veggie puffs (and 5 candy corn). I could only look at this glove in amazement. Someone put really effort into making this Halloween treat. Wow.