
Well, this snow storm was a doozy. I got up and worked a little – then I thought I’d take Ruby for a walk. We made it about 7 houses before we turned back. The snow was going sideways because of the wind, pelting my poor eyeballs. All day, we could barely see out our windows because the snow/wind was so terrific. Went back to work. All day. While the rest of the government was shut down.


Birdfeeders outside my office window were busy all day with birds that didn’t know what hit them and had to find food fast. I finally got a woodpecker to visit my suet.


Jeremy’s downtown office was closed, but he was on a conference call at noon.


The amount of homemade bread made in this house in the past week has been insane.


Yawn. I’m tired too. Going to bed. Tomorrow shoveling. Good night!


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