

I’ve been slowly getting together the things I need in order to start nursing school this fall. It includes getting my immunizations up to date and getting my emergency responder CPR card. I found out that I am indeed immune to chicken pox although I never remember having had chicken pox. Today I got a phone call from the registrar asking why I had not yet registered for my fall classes. Truthfully, I just hadn’t gotten around to it, classes don’t start for another 3 months and since I’m going to nursing school at a small satellite campus, there is only one section of each class and I’m guaranteed a spot, it just didn’t seem to be the most important thing. I have never, ever had anyone call me personally about forgetting to register in all my years of registering for classes. I guess it will be a very personalized experience.

2 thoughts on “Registration.”

  1. You are so casual about nursing school. I have friends who are trying to do it, trying to get in, trying to finish and they are ALL freaking out. Especially when I brag about you and all the other stuff you are doing! "I am woman hear me roar….".

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