Casa Mezcal – NYC


From Deleware, we headed to the Lower East Side of Manhattan where we went to Casa Mezcal to celebrate Leah and Avery’s wedding.  The were married a month ago in Yosemite and we couldn’t make it out there then, but we knew we were going to be able to see them in NYC.  Avery is related to Jeremy through their great grandparents – Avery’s grandmother Clara was Jeremy’s grandmother Sylvia’s sister.


Leah and Avery run Make it Good, a place that uses textiles for dish towels, clothing, bags, etc and it’s based in Portland. 

Edda had such a wonderful time at the party.  Excited as soon as we got up to the 2nd floor walk-up space – full of smiles and wandered around and said hello to a lot of people.  She especially enjoyed the desserts.  She was a little bit loud during the meditative/yoga part of the day and there was nowhere really for me to go with her as there was only one room and the door lead down a flight of stairs, but I think, actually I’m sure, no one minded.  I think I need to get Edda going to more parties.


And here we all are – dressed up for a single moment in time.


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