So Nat told me that she’d be ready to work tomorrow (it’s almost 10 pm and I haven’t seen her yet, but I’m counting on a late arriving airplane) – I’m so happy that we will have childcare again tomorrow. The whole plan of making due without childcare hinged on the fact that Edda needed to not get sick. But today, the last childcare-free day, I had a couldn’t-miss-first-day-of-lab class from noon to two and Jeremy was at work in DC doing the last emergency things on his massive project due today when ten minutes before noon, I got a call from Edda’s school nurse saying that she was running a fever of 100.1. My parents had just left for Florida on Saturday – I felt like I had no choice but to call Edda’s teacher and basically ask a huge favor and ask her to keep sick Edda for the afternoon. Poor Edda. Poor Edda’s teacher. I feel like a heel. Ahhh, mother’s guilt. Nothing like it really.
Success! Congratulating himself with a beer (Penn Quarter Porter) and the State of the Union
My scrubs for lab class. Learning how to assess a patient and properly document it.